Top common violations of property inspections
CFNA Spring 2019 newsletter
Here are the top 10 common violations of CFNA property inspections from last year done by our old management company.
- Siding needs to be cleaned
- Trash cans/yard waste visible
- Damaged basketball hoops
- Weeds/Landscape lawn damaged
- Landscaping dead plants in common area
- Garage doors open and unattended
- Garbage out late –left outside after garbage day pick-up
- Garbage out early
- Window screens damaged
- Improper storage in driveway
AMG Management will be completing the monthly inspections based on CFNA Rules and Regulations. Our rules require us to send written warnings and then are followed by fines according to the CFNA Rules and Regulations which can be found at Nextdoor under the document section or on this site under Documents.
VIOLATIONS – As all alleged violations are subject to the Board’s consideration at a hearing prior to the imposition of any fine, the following are guidelines, only, of some types of fines that the Board may consider imposing – the facts and circumstances of a particular situation will be considered prior to voting to impose any particular fine: i. 1st offense – Written Warning ii. 2nd offense – $25 iii. 3rd offense $50 iv. 4th offense – $75 v. Subsequent offenses – $150 weekly fine vi. Offenses that continue from day to day – at least $25 per day. Of course, the Board reserves the right to proceed with any and all legal remedies, including legal and/or equitable action, including by forcible entry and detainer (eviction), at any time that it considers the facts and circumstances to merit such a course-of-action.
For questions on inspections contact –Dawn Schwartz, Property Manager , AMG Management at d.schwartz@amgllc1.com, 1429 Essington Road Joliet, IL 60435/ 815-744-6822.
To contact the Board- write to us at cfna-board@yahoogroups.com
Save the date
- June 18th CFNA Board meeting at 7 p.m. at Harbor Chase
- July 14th Naperville Park District concert at the park at Century Farms park at 7 p.m.
- 20th Anniversary of Century Farms- date TBD by the Social Committee
Let us all help keep Century Farms beautiful.